Juz as I thought evrythg went oK... my LUK busted!! Sum1 I set heart on alreD goin out wif sum guyNshe said it has been a few weeks now..... I'm a total loser!!! I feel totally lost-out.... I din't hv D guts2spill it out earlier... I came in too l8; but oh damnit U R sooooo unLUKy gal!!!
I hope I won't meet 'em again, if ever they cross D junction of my life I pray that Lord won't make me see themNvice versa....... hell. I'm goin4a long holiday2revive my tortured soul!!!!!
Friday, 25 November 2005
Internet Optimiser %$@#!!!
Finally! Now I'm able to open and edit my blog... tried to login all this
while but that stupid Internet Optimiser keeps on redirecting my attempt to a
search engine!! Damn program... I really hate PCs that have the %#*$@ software
Because it TOTALLY filters out sites that contain the string
'FORBIDDEN'!!! Cursed developer (for ever constructing such a program!!!!!)....
just because my blog contains the word Error 403: Forbidden, it doesn't mean it
cannot be accessed so WTH it blocks the site from loading b4 we find out whether
it is true the site is forbidden to be accessed or not?!?
Looks like software engineers have to study further about developing a
more useful program, smarter ones than what we have now.... coz it's totally
suxxxxorz that the AI set for that &$#%ing program is stupid enough to
recognise which sites are actually accessible and which ones aren't!!!!!!
'Nuff said.
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