Friday, 6 January 2006


2day is juz another bad day... I had2face sum kinda hell tho' it wasn't really baaaad~

I tried2avoid seeing sum1 dat I've a crush upon, but it turns out2B dat wherever I go, I'd bump into..... aah!! Juz h8 it coz I know that YYYY couldn'tBmine.... dunno Y but it's juz like the song dat goes:

My life is brilliant... My love is pure
I saw an angel.. Of that I'm sure
YYYY caught my eye
as we walked on by

(unrelated) segment!

I don't think that we'll meet again
But we
shared a moment that will last till the end.

//yet another missing

.....But it's time to face the truth, I will never be
with you.

Huh? Juz another baaaaaad dream (eh?!)... I dunno if my crush really exist or is YYYY a part of my subconscious mind dat tells me I've had too much Savage Eden (Battle for Laghaim)? Only Lord knows.... however I'd B avoiDg D library 4 another 2 or 3 months to come!!!